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Maddie's boyfriend with some gifts for the ladies. |
Friday, October 23, 2015
Season 2, Ep 5 Three Items on a Deserted Island
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Backpacking and the Humbling Art of Burying Your Poop
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John Muir: The reason we have to bury our poop. |
I have to admit, hiking 60 miles of the John Muir Trial
(JMT) in the forest over 5 days with a backpack was not my idea, it was my
dad’s. I didn't know what I was getting myself into. I’d been camping before,
I’d even been backpacking before, but not for this duration or length of hike.
For some reason, I was not intimidated. (I’m typically convinced I can do
everything.) Even amidst my father’s repeated warnings about being “in shape”
enough or the need for bug nets, water filters, and “Bear Mace,” (yup) I had
visions of camp fires, swimming holes, meditating on rocks, and mornings spent
writing in my journal, creekside, with my steaming hot Starbucks Via. A
relaxing escape to become one with nature. Well, I was wrong. (If I was right,
this post wouldn’t be any fun, would it?) Any second you’re not hiking
or sleeping, you are pooping, looking for a place to poop, or figuring out what
to do with your poop after you’ve pooped. And I did become one with nature, but not in
the way I expected. Nature and I are closer than any two entities can possibly be now.
Nature has literally watched me with my pants down, angle it just right, and
hard squeeze, (because I'm trying to do it as fast as possible for lots of
reasons) to get a poop in the 6 inch hole I just dug in to Nature, with a stick,
while I lean against a tree or rock (because my legs are so fatigued, they have
literally become noodles in protest, rejecting their host body,) and try, TRY
not to let anything coming out get on your one pair of pants, socks, or shoes.
Nature has some serious dirt on me. (Real, sad pun.) It will be a while before
I can look a tree in the eye. I realize I am not the first person to do it, nor
will I be the last, still, the entire experience changed me. If you ever feel like you’re getting a little too big for your britches or you’re finally at that
place where you’re handling with ease all that life is throwing at you and you
need to feel challenged, I suggest
the humbling experience that is backpacking.
Day 1. I started the first leg of this hike with confidence.
I left the reading of the topographic maps to the experts, my father
and cousin,
who assured me that while we would be doing “a little climbing” this day, this would
surely be the worst of it for entirety of the 60 miles. So, we began. We
climbed out of Yosemite Valley toward Half Dome. It was one of those cute,
little uphill climbs that lasted forever, had a set of never ending stairs like
an M.C. Escher painting, and forced me to call into question whether or not
life was worth living. It was very sweet. After approximately 7 miles, I
volunteered to watch backpacks while the other 3 members of my group ascended
the Half Dome cables. (See photos) I totally would’ve done it, but SOMEONE
NEEDED TO WATCH THE BAGS. They went another 1 ½ miles round trip while I waited.
We then hiked the additional 1 ½ miles to our campsite. We set up our
tents in
the late afternoon at a beautiful spot next to a creek. I had not yet pooped,
and I began to think I could, quite possibly burn exactly enough energy per
caloric intake to never poop again or maybe have one of those mind-over-matter
experiences and I could just hold it in for 5 days. Which was going to have to
be the case for at least the evening because there were no bathrooms in this
particular campsite. Confident and energized, I took a whore bath in the creek
like a good backpacker and ate my Mountain House beef stew. A few hours later,
as we retreated for bed, it hit me. Hard. I was
not a super human and I was
going to have to use nature’s restroom. It was dark so this meant choosing a location
was going to be challenging. You must go far enough away to find privacy, but not
so far that a bear eats you before you can pull your pants up and call for
help. Keeping my poop training in mind, (no joke, they train you, those crazy
national park people,) I found a tree and began to dig my 6-inch hole. I looked
around one final time to ensure privacy. There were some lights from some guys
at a campsite across the creek, but they were too far away to see me in the
dark, for sure. So, I went to work as swiftly as possible. I should mention here that I was wearing a
head lamp. A hands-free flashlight
experience is ideal for nighttime restroom use. HOWEVER, because of the nature
of wearing them correctly, they illuminate everything in the direction you’re
looking. I looked down at my situation to make sure it was all going well and
IT WAS. Just then, I heard some light laughter off in the distance. I shot a
glance in the direction of other camp to find 4 bright headlamps shining in my
AND I JUST POOPED IN FRONT OF 4 STRANGERS. I quickly turned my headlamp off and
began rustling my pants back on in horror! Hearing this fussing and rustling,
my boyfriend, the 4th, and not yet mentioned member of our party,
began to walk with his flashlight in my direction to make sure I was ok. I hadn’t
told him I was going to the bathroom, dammit! Thankfully, I had my pants back
up before he could light me up for our neighbors to see again,
but I had not
yet buried my poop! (Part 2 off the “pooping in Yosemite” lesson.) Furiously, I
began to bury, but I was too late. He was there. Shining a flashlight upon my
handiwork. We’ve been together a long time, and I like to think we still have a
little spark, but whatever was left of that spark was permanently extinguished
as we looked at each other, then at my poop, and then at each other again, and
all I could think to say was, “That’s not mine.” He made sure I was ok and left
me to my work. I buried it, in shame, in the dark and came back to the tent. I
slept surprisingly well despite the evening’s events. I had conquered the first
day and it was hard, but this “was the worst of it,” so I was not worried.
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Nope. |
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Dad and cousin, Tyler on top of Half Dome. |
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"Leave no Trace" is a real, important thing, I guess. |
Miles hiked: 8 ½
Total Poops: 1
Pride: All time low
Lessons Learned: 1- Turn off headlamp during nighttime
outdoor restroom use. 2- Tell people you’re going to the restroom so they don’t
try to come find you.
Day 2. I poked my head out of the tent to see if our
neighbors who got the hilarious show from the night before were still there and
thankfully, they were not! I could eat breakfast with my dignity intact. We had
a long day ahead of us. Today, we would be hiking 17-18 miles. That is crazy, I
know, but according to our topography experts, my father and cousin, it would
be “relatively flat.” I’ll interject an early lesson learned here and tell you
that they are both liars. There were not 1, not 2, but 3 different climbs that
day. Sure, 11 miles of it was flat or downhill, but the other 6-7? Big, fat,
annoying climbs. Fine. No problem. Surely this was the worst of it. At about
mile 8, we came upon High Sierra Camp and it had a bathroom! Do you have to poop? I thought to
myself. I did not, but that was ok because that evening, we were staying in the
well-developed campground in Tuolumne Meadows, where I could surely have a
peaceful movement with a stall and flushing toilet. I just needed to hike 10
more miles. Upon arrival and further reading of our map, we realized that the
ranger station where we had cached our food for the remainder of the trip was
actually 1 mile FURTHER than our campground. Now, I don’t know what super-human
strength came over me, like the kind where people lift cars off of other people
who are trapped and the like, but like a true hero, I said, “Not to worry,
Father. You stay here and relax. I’ll go get our food so that we might eat.” (Truth:
My dad was done, so my cousin and my boyfriend volunteered to go. In delirium
told my cousin I’d go instead because I was “feelin’ it” and I stumbled like a freshly
walking baby, 50 paces behind my boyfriend for 2 more miles.) But I did it! We
finally got back to camp and happily ate our bean burritos, provided by my dad.
(Quickest way to my good side: Beans.) Full and happy, I waited for my bowel
movement to come. It would be a lovely evening walk to the restroom and
undoubtedly a good sleep. But it never came. I went to the restroom and stood
around the toilets, looking into each stall to encourage my body to take the
opportunity, and to my ultimate dismay, I didn’t have to poop. Dejected, I went
back to camp and crawled into bed. Surely that bean burrito would work its
magic over a good night’s sleep and I could poop in the morning. Just as I
drifted off, a drunken group of campers began to play the guitar and sing. (The
worst kinds of people are those who bring guitars to campsites.) The star of
the show had a heavy (comical) accent and was from Poland (I would find out
later) and was a BIG fan of American music of the 90s. After a version of “Santeria”
that surely had Bradley Nowell turning over in his
grave, I broke my cardinal
rule of cool and like a very old, very tired lady, I reached my head out of the
tent and screeched “SHUT UUUUUP!” at the top of my lungs. I would’ve gone over
in person and asked them nicely, but it is A LOT of work to get in and out of a
sleeping bag, especially when it’s cold. I’m not proud, but I have no regrets.
Shortly after, another camper backed me up with some similar verbiage, and the
music quieted. But my night of sleep was already ruined. Tomorrow would surely
be a bad day.
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"Oh, maybe yuf heard VunderVall?" |
Miles hiked: 20
Total poops: 0
Pride level: Non-existent
Lessons Learned: 1- Do not believe a word my dad or cousin
says about a topographic map. 2- I need to learn how to read topographic map.
3- There is a Polish guy on the John Muir Trail that needs to die.
Day 3. I emerged from my tent very groggy. In fact, this
morning was somewhat of a blur. If I had to poop, I had forgotten how and never
did. The stench on my clothes had become potent but was still in the “you like
your own scent” stage. I put on a fresh pair of socks and my dad assured me
today would be flat. Whatever. In
this case, thankfully, he was right. This hike was pleasant. We stopped for
lunch by a creek and I finally got to get in a “swimming hole.” I splashed around and soaked my feet and happily ate my trail sandwich while I dried off.
Re-energized, I finished the day’s hike with ease. We stopped to camp by
another creek. I paused for a moment to admire the beauty around me, and it HIT me. Before
I could get my bag down, I knew it was finally time. It was still daylight, so
I had to walk pretty far off to do my business. “I’m going to the bathroom!! Do
NOT come find me!!” I called to my boyfriend. I walked with haste, scurrying to
find a good tree or rock, all the while checking the sightlines of my group. If I go here, can they see me from the waist
down and am I okay if they see me from the waist up or if we accidentally make
eye contact while I’m pooping? I was not. Thankfully, there were no other
hikers around because that would have made this even more difficult. After
about a ¼ of a mile, I
began to set up. Without going into even more detail,
that bean burrito had, in fact, worked its magic. In a desperate attempt to
protect my clothes, I hoisted myself in a position no human should have to ever
have to be in to use the bathroom. Not an inch of it made
it into my freshly dug hole. I tell you that so you know, so it’s clear, that I
had to scoop it in. All of it. With a stick. Because a scary ranger lady told
me to “leave no trace.” It was one of those surreal moments where you wonder
what terrible things you did in life that lead you to this exact moment. I
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Me, pooping in the woods. |
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The beginning of the Donahue Pass climb. |
Miles hiked: 11
Total Poops: 1
Pride level: There will never be measurable pride again.
Lessons Learned: Only 1- Bean Burritos are not a good hiking
Day 4. Consider this the "montage" paragraph. I could not yet
read a topographic map and my dad and cousin are still liars. Mountains appeared
out of nowhere. I would celebrate the summit of a climb only to be met with an
even bigger, dumber mountain. I pooped upon waking, on the trail, and
arrival at that evening’s campsite. My holes got shallower out of sheer fatigue.
I was so sore and smelled so bad that I wondered if I should burn my clothes
and just Jungle Book/Dances with Wolves this whole thing. I decided to sleep on
it, but not before one more poop.
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Me. Because I pooped outside once. |
Miles hiked: 12
Total poops: 4
Lessons learned: 1- Four days is plenty for a backpacking
trip. 2- Four poops is plenty for a backpacking trip.
Day 5. The last day. The only thing that got me out of bed on this morning
was knowing that I was near the end. We packed up, and headed out without a
morning “movement.” Maybe I’ll make it to the end where I can use a real toilet?! I hiked so fast and so hard, I
surprised my group and myself. However, about 7 miles in, hiking and chatting
with my dad, I couldn’t hold it in anymore. Of course not. Now nature was just
one big toilet with running streams everywhere and beautiful big rock and tree toilet seats, and my body knew it.
In broad daylight on the trail, I had to
stop my dad, and go find what would be my last bathroom. This time, I didn’t care. I was
looking for waist down coverage only. I angrily dug my dumb hole, and tried to
hurry. I heard my dad call, “Hey, Andrea! There are people coming!” I closed my
eyes and sighed. This is a process you can only rush so much and at a certain
point you can’t interrupt. I looked over my shoulder and saw them coming. I
didn’t care. Who was I trying to impress at this point? I thought about picking
it up and throwing it at them, like our ancestors did, but I didn’t. I just
waved and turned to look vacantly into the distance. I used to have dignity. I thought. I used to be somebody. They passed in awkward silence. Everyone
knew what I was doing. It was the pits. We finished the hike at Devil’s
Postpile where again, with a beautifully functioning bathroom, I did not have
to go. I had blisters on my feet, dirt caked on my body, a weird rash on my
legs (that went away after a shower,) a slight sunburn, and no feeling in my
legs. I sat for a second, looking at my car, my beautiful car, trying to figure
out if I remembered how to drive it. And then, for a moment, I looked back at the trail, at the trees and majestic mountains. And I whispered, “Sorry I pooped all over you.”
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Me. Between poops. |
Miles hiked: 12
Total poops: 2 (1 came later on at home.)
Lessons Learned: 1- I can hike 60 miles. 2- California is
beautiful. (See Photos.) 3-Pride is overrated.
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Idiots on Half Dome. |
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Me. 18 hours since last poop. |
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Beauty. |
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Campsite # 1 |
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Me and Tyler. Morning of last hike. |
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"Trees are Dyin'" |
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Two lucky ducks. |
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Friday, September 4, 2015
Season 2, Ep. 4- Your Alternate Universe

Thursday, August 27, 2015
Season 2, Ep. 3- 7-Year-Old Dreams
This week, host, Andrea (me) asked each of the guest what they wanted to be when they grew up; What did 7-year-old them want to be? Find out who wanted to be a cowgirl, a ballerina, or an allergist. Find out who performs a monologue, who learned a very hard lesson in Kindergarten, and more! Don't forget, you can also listen on iTunes!
Monday, August 17, 2015
Season 2 Ep. 2: HOMETOWNS!
This week, I asked each guest about their hometown. I asked
them to tell me What is special about it and if they would ever decide to move
back. Not only was it neat to learn about different cities and towns from the
people who actually lived in them, but that the word, “Hometown” did not
necessarily mean “where you were born” or even “where you grew up” but more “where
you felt most at home.” Some say they’d go back. Some already have. And some
are glad to be as far away as humanly possible. Listen and enjoy! Follow ITB on Twitter @insidetheboxPC or on Instagram @insidetheboxpodcast and like us on Facebook! Email us at insidetheboxpodcast@gmail.com.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
The Season 2 Premiere!
It has arrived!
The 2nd season of Inside The Box is in full swing with the season premiere, "Introductions!" In this funny, heartfelt, edited collection of interviews, I introduce you to the 11 women who will be featured throughout the season. This extended episode gives you a peep inside these inspirational women's lives and to mine! The women of this season are, Amy Adams, Tara Donovan, Lisa Starry, Charlotte Crow, Carla Delaney, Kimberly Condict, Katie Walder, Sierra Delgado, Fara D'aguiar, Madelynn Elyse, and Stephani Casey. These women are fascinating as they discuss both their careers and personal lives and the attempt to find the perfect balance. Enjoy and tune in every Monday for new episodes. Next week: "Hometowns: and what makes them fantastic... or not so fantastic."
The 2nd season of Inside The Box is in full swing with the season premiere, "Introductions!" In this funny, heartfelt, edited collection of interviews, I introduce you to the 11 women who will be featured throughout the season. This extended episode gives you a peep inside these inspirational women's lives and to mine! The women of this season are, Amy Adams, Tara Donovan, Lisa Starry, Charlotte Crow, Carla Delaney, Kimberly Condict, Katie Walder, Sierra Delgado, Fara D'aguiar, Madelynn Elyse, and Stephani Casey. These women are fascinating as they discuss both their careers and personal lives and the attempt to find the perfect balance. Enjoy and tune in every Monday for new episodes. Next week: "Hometowns: and what makes them fantastic... or not so fantastic."
Monday, July 20, 2015
The 2nd Season of "Inside the Box"
The spirit
of Inside the Box is that of female
empowerment. Initially, I tried to carefully word the description so that,
while there was no hiding it was a show about women, it might be appealing to
men too. Now, I don’t really care. Unfortunately, as soon as I called it a show
about women, by women, with a euphemism for vagina in the title, I may have
alienated most male listeners. But women make up most of the population anyway,
so I’m not too worried. So, “So long, dudes!” BUT, I will say this, if you
(boys) stick around, you must be a very enlightened males with very good taste
and thanks. Also, it will probably be a very pleasurable listening experience. Nevertheless,
I have always felt a call to the plight of the female. At a very young age, I
remember being called a feminist as if it were a dirty word. Then, looking up
the definition: “the advocacy of
women's rights on the grounds of political, social, and economic equality to
men,” and I was like, “Yeah, I am a feminist and why isn’t EVERYONE else?” I am
still dumbfounded by the threat that word holds even today, some 20 years
later. Later on, as a high school dance teacher, essentially helping mold and
shape young women in some of their most delicate years, I learned both, how
important it was to help them develop a healthy sense of self-worth and what it
was like to work as a female in the educational system and in the high school
sports system. The inequality was there, clear as day. I was a burlesque dancer
for some time in my 20s and got to explore an art form that was essentially an
answer to the oppressiveness women felt in the early 20th century
and how that translated to today’s perceptions of the female body and nudity
and the choice to do with our
bodies what we wanted. All the while, watching the way women treated one
another, competing and undercutting rather than encouraging or creating
partnerships. It was these life experiences that lead me to want to create a
podcast for women. One that simply addressed us as humans, embraced our similarities
and differences, and showed what the face of feminism truly looks like. And
hopefully, there will be an episode or a story and a listener will think, ‘Oh
great! I’m not the only one who …feels that way! …. went through that thing! …failed
at something!”
If this is
your first time hearing about Inside the
Box and
you’re like, “2nd season? I didn’t know there was a
first!” It’s alright. The “1st season” of Inside the Box was an experiment and huge learning experience. The
podcast started as a discussion style show. I hosted alongside my carefully
selected co-host, Randi Straight and each episode featured a special guest with
a panelist or two for good measure. We had topic bullet points, but no script.
This meant, as does it mean for most discussion podcasts, some of them were
long and some of them were confusing. Far too many cooks in the studio, if you
know what I mean. I knew a podcast was to be a part of my future, and the name,
Inside the Box, was too good to let
go by the wayside for its delightful lady pun. So, after much thought (and a
move to the desert where no one visits me,) I decided a crafted, edited podcast
format was going to be much more my speed. I actually prefer listening to edited
podcasts more than discussion podcasts so why shouldn’t my own show be
something I’d actually listen to? You can hear the shift to this style in the last
episode of season one, where I edited a one on one interview. I decided to wrap
up those 10 episodes and affectionately call them, “season 1,” so I could
completely revamp the format.
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This is Randi. Randi = trooper. |
The 2nd
Season of Inside the Box will be a 12
episode series. I’ve completed recorded interviews with 11 women over the last
couple of months and I asked them all the same series of questions. Each
question will be the theme of each episode. Each episode will include a forward
from me and an edited collection of their answers. The questions (and answers)
varied from the silly to the serious. The answers were hilarious, heart-felt,
riveting, sweet, and emotional. For that, I am so grateful. It was an
incredibly fascinating experience to be able to listen to these women open up
about life’s ups and downs. I can’t wait to share their answers with you this
season. To meet this amazing cast of women, click here or on the “Inside the
Box- About” tab.
In an effort to bring some “cool” the worst month of summer,
The 2nd season will premiere on August 10th. New episodes
will be released every Monday. Tune in each week and as always, you can find
episodes here or find “Inside the Box Podcast” on ITunes.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Inside the Box: Episode 10- Christina Barsi
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Artwork for DIMENSION by Sebastien Rossouw |
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Inside the Box Episode 9- The Lone Star Chuck Wagon Reunion
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At the USS Alabama in Mobile, AL |
Monday, February 9, 2015
Inside the Box: Episode 8- Julie-Joy Voss
This weeks episode of Inside the Box is hosted, as always by Andrea Chesley, co-hosted by Randi Straight, with panelist, Katy Likovich and special guest, actress and THE "force of fun," Julie-Joy Voss. Tune in as we discuss internet trolls and courage behind the anonymous veil of the internet. We also discuss the purpose of this podcast and the difficulty of being open and honest, forever on the internet. Julie-Joy dishes about the making of her popular webseries, Fake Geek Girls. We keep forgetting to take a picture, but we'll get our act together someday.
Wednesday, January 28, 2015
Inside the Box: Episode 7- Katie Watson
This week's episode is hosted by Andrea Chesley, co-hosted by Randi Straight with returning panelist, Meagan English. Our guest is Katie Watson, business affairs coordinator at David&Goliath, and one of Andrea's friends from high school. Listen in as she reveals her path to success, from top athlete and student body president to landing a job at one of Los Angeles' top Ad Agencies. The two martini lunch is back for Katie! Also, she reveals her secret love for a good, girly cocktail. Things also get a little steamy as we discuss one of The Huffington Posts most "scandalous" lists. Thank you to Katie for letting me use her high school photo from our yearbook for the player photo! See what our student body president has been up to. (Go Knights!)
30 somethings,
life humor,
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Inside the Box Episode 6- Jenny Cadena
From right: Ana, Andrea, Jenny, Randi |
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Inside the Box- Ep. 5 - Amanda Maddox and Zak Dunn
Episode 5 of Inside the Box is hosted by Andrea Chesley and co-
hosted by Randi Straight with panelist, Stephani Casey. This week we welcomed Kentucky born Actress and Singer, Amanda Maddox, and ultimate outdoorsman, Zak Dunn to discuss the upcoming movie, Gripped, starring Maddox with production and rock climbing expertise by Dunn. On this week's show, we discuss why we shouldn't discuss Shia Labeouf in Sia's new music video, Amanda's NEW film about OLD Hollywood, a Queer Noir, if you will, in pre-production called, Sleepwalk, the climbers who are attempting to climb the Dawn wall of El Capitan, and Zak surprises us with the story of how he became a "Dirt Bag." Everybody tune in and don't forget you can download us for free directly from Itunes here!
Front: Amanda, Zak Back: Randi, Andrea, Stephani |
acting industry,
dirt bag,
rock climbing
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Inside the Box: Episode 4- Andrea Hansen
(from left: Randi, Andrea (Host), Stephani, Andrea (Guest)) |
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